As a one-person consulting shop, it’s easy to forget the importance of investing in your own professional development. You no longer get employer-paid conferences or reminders from your boss. Thus, like so many things about running your own business, it’s all on you.
This year I decided I wanted to get back to public speaking in front of large groups. It wasn’t about creating a new revenue stream, but it’s something I always enjoyed doing and a skill I didn’t want to atrophy (and the marketing is a bonus).
Last month I gave speeches at two conferences. If you know me well, you’ll know this isn’t an exercise in bolstering my ego. The ability to speak in front of a group - regardless of size - is a crucial competency regardless of your career choice.
🌟 And, for me, interacting with an audience, making micro-adjustments in real time based on the feel of the room, and managing technology hiccups as if you always knew they would happen is, well … FUN! 🌟
So, whether you run your own shop or work at a big company, don’t forget to take the time to invest in yourself. The rewards – professional and emotional – are enormous.
(And yes, I probably need to find a second favorite suit so that all of my presentation pictures don’t look the same. 😂 )